At Searching Pathways Therapy I offer both secular and spiritually based couples therapy and marital counseling. I am trained and maintain a deep focus in Transpersonal psychology (integrating the spiritual and transcendent aspects of relationships) which guides the work we will do together.
If you are devout or religiously focused
I offer nondenominational spiritually based couples counseling and spiritually based marriage therapy. This means that your beliefs and faith are deeply respected here and will contribute to the course that our work together. I have worked successfully with practicing Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist couples. Both same faith and cross faith couples have been able to come closer and work on their relationship here. But please note that I’m not affiliated with any specific religion group or organization. I’m a licensed psychologist with a deep respect for your religion and religious practices. This is different than a religious leader who possesses some degree of knowledge of psychology. If it is important that your therapist be of the same faith as you, then I might suggest contacting the appropriate people at your place of worship for direction.
If you are spiritually minded
Some people come to couples therapy with a knowing that the joys and challenges they experience with their partners are in service of their growth as spiritual being or Soul. I’ve witnessed couples who utilize their relationships as a balance practice between self, other and the Divine. Within this tapestry, we find the way that is in service of all three. I have also been with those who wish to work from a non-dual perspective.
If you’re an agnostic, atheist or uninterested
If you are interested in working out your relationship with your partner and don’t care about this other stuff, I get that. There is no spiritual or religious doctrine that will be pushed on you or any part of our work here.
Couples Therapy with Dr. Robert Mitchell
If this is the first page you’ve come to, then I invite you to look around and see if I might be the right person to work with you and your partner. I offer a non-judgmental environment that focuses on mutual respect for both of you as individuals as well as what is best for you as couple and for your family. If this feels like a space where you can work and if you suspect that we might be a good fit, then please schedule an appointment online or set up an appointment by calling (650) 394-4473.