At present, I’m not in network with any insurance company. I’m what’s considered an Out-of-Network Provider which means that you’ll be responsible for payment at time of service, but you may be entitled to complete or partial compensation from your insurance provider.
Many insurance companies offer provisions for the use of out-of-network providers. If you wish to know the extent of your coverage prior to starting therapy, then I suggest you contact your provider and ask how much they’ll reimburse for “mental health services with an out-of-network provider.” They may require the following information to answer:
For Individual Therapy:
CPT Code: 90837
Likely Diagnosis: ? (Unknown. I cannot diagnose until time of evaluation)
For Couples Therapy:
CPT Code: 90847
Likely Diagnosis: Z63.0 – Problems in relationship with spouse or partner (is most likely diagnosis but others may arise as well)
If you elect to come in for services, then at the end of the month I’ll provide you with a Super Bill Statement (aka Statement for Insurance Reimbursement) which has all the information you’ll need to submit to your provider.